Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Announces His Second Campaign For President
Rev. Jesse Jackson (2013)Civil Rights Leader Rev. Jesse L. Jackson announced on September 7, 1987 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that he would be a candidate for the democratic presidential nomination in 1988. Jackson made a formal announcement of his candidacy on October 10th at the convention of the National Rainbow Coalition in Raleigh, North Carolina. Rev. Jackson did not win the nomination but received considerable support from voters. One hundred years after Frederick Douglass became the first African American to receive a vote in presidential balloting at a political convention in 1888 (one vote), Rev. Jesse L. Jackson received 1,218.5 delegate votes at the Democratic National Convention on July 20, 1988 in Atlanta,Georgia. Jackson finished second in the overall voting for the democratic nomination with 6,788,991 votes or 29.13%. Michael Dukakis received the nomination with the required number of 2,082 delegates and a total of 2,876.25 (he acquired a total of 9,898,750 votes or 42.47%).
A young Jesse Jackson surrounded by marchers carrying signs advocating support for the Hawkins-Humphrey Bill for full employment, near the White House, Washington, D.C. (January 15, 1975)Rev. Jesse Louis Jackson, Sr. is a civil rights activist, politician and Baptist minister. Jackson transferred from the University of Illinois after his first year to North Carolina A & T State University where he became the Student Government President and quarterback of the football team. While at North Carolina A & T he became active in civil rights activities. Jackson attended Chicago Theological Seminary and was awarded a Master of Divinity. He became a part of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s inner circle and worked with him and the SCLC. Jackson was with King when he was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee.
Rev. Jesse Jackson at a 2007 anti-war rally.He later founded People United To Save Humanity (Operation Push) in 1971. The organizations name was later changed to People United To Serve Humanity. Jackson ran for president in 1984 as well as 1988, becoming the second African American to run a national campaign for president after Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm. He served as Shadow Senator from the District of Columbia from 1991 to 1997. Jackson was born October 8, 1941 In Greenville, South Carolina.
Rev. Jesse Jackson Campaigning In Portsmouth, New Hampshire in 1988
Words That Matter
Rev. Jesse L. Jackson
“If you run, you might lose. If you don’t run, you’re guaranteed to lose.”.