May 31


The Tulsa Race Riot

Tulsa race riot inflames-1921
The "Little Africa” section of Tulsa, OK in flames during the 1921 race riot.
From May 31 to June 1, 1921 the wealthiest African American neighborhood in the United States was burned down as a result of a massive racial riot in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It allegedly all began because of an armed white lynch mob of hundreds were trying to get an African American out of jail being protected by the Sheriff and his deputies. Some armed African Americans came to help the sheriff protect the young man in jail. This eventually lead to an alleged armed confrontation between African Americans and Tulsa whites. Eventually, hundreds of whites went through the Greenwood Community often referred to as "The Negro Wallstreet" killing, looting and burning down homes and businesses. Several airplanes dropped firebombs on the African American Community while others shot out of the planes into Greenwood. It is now estimated that approximately 300 persons were killed with the overwhelmingly majority being African Americans. The armed confrontation resulted in over 800 persons being admitted to local white hospitals, (it is not known how many African American injuries there were, because the two African American hospitals were burned down) approximately 10,000 African Americans were left without homes. At least 1,256 homes were destroyed over a 35 block area. Over 6,000 African Americans were arrested and detained at the Convention Hall and Fairgrounds. Some were held up to eight days.
Captured Negros on Way to Convention Hall - During Tulsa Race Riot, June 1st, 1921 (14412915233) (cropped)
African Americans led by gunpoint to the Convention Hall during the Tulsa Race Riot on June 1st, 1921.
All That Was Left of His Home after the Tulsa Race Riot, 6-1-21 (Ag2013.0002) (cropped)
African American man standing in front the remains of his house after the Tulsa Race Riots on June 1st, 1921.
Mt.Zion Baptist Church Burning
Tulsa Aftermath
Tulsa after the May 21st, 1921 Race Riot.
Rear view of truck carrying African Americans during the Tulsa, Okla. riot of 1921) - by Alvin C. Krupnick Co., Tulsa, Okla LCCN95519929
Rear view of truck carrying African Americans during the Tulsa, Okla. riot of 1921.

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