Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr. | The Presidential Medal of Freedom
Clarence Mitchell Jr. and President Lyndon B. JohnsonCivil rights leader and the Chief lobbyist for the NAACP for almost thirty years, Clarence Mitchell, Jr. was presented the "Presidential Medal Of Freedom" by President Jimmy Carter on June 9, 1980. Mitchell was born March 8, 1911 in Baltimore, Maryland. Mitchell died on March 19, 1984 in Baltimore, Maryland at age 73. His wife, Juanita Jackson Mitchell was the first African American female admitted to practice law in Maryland. Mitchell was the brother to former U.S. Congressman Parren Mitchell.
A telephone call between President Lyndon Johnson and Clarence Mitchell, Jr. on May 4, 1965.
Words That Matter
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
“We Are Not Makers Of History. We Are Made By History.”
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